RES? 专注于工业领域光学检查与照明解决方案。2010年,首台LED**品*查灯箱交付客户;2012年,首台可调光组装式的LED光学检测设备(LOI)交付客户。受到客户的广泛认可,被诸多国内外**企业配套订购,如怡宝、可口可乐、雀巢、屈臣氏、康师傅、农夫山泉、娃哈哈等。成为企业提**与效能的必配利器。 . RES? focusing on optical inspection and lighting solutions. In 2010, the first Led professional box has been delivered to the customer; in 2012, the first adjustable assembly of the Led optical inspection (LOI) has been delivered to the customer. RES products are widely accepted by the customers, many well-known enterprises such as Cestbon, Coca-Cola, Nescafe, Watsons, Master Kong, NongFu spring,Wahaha etc.